Trademark administrative law enforcement work process, often need to verify the registration of the trademark involved. There are three forms of trademark inquiry:
1.Check and copy the trademark announcement issued by the trademark bureau. However, the grass-roots industry and commerce authorities rarely retain the complete paper "trademark announcement", which is very troublesome to find.
2.Department of official letter to ask the Trademark Office to help check the trademark file. This approach is the most authoritative, but the reply period is long, grass-roots law enforcement practice to take such a query is not much way.
3.A copy of the trademark registration certificate or trademark registration certificate is provided by the trademark registrant, and there is no problem to check with the original, and the authenticity is confirmed by the signature or seal of the supplier. This method is the most commonly used, but there are also several problems:
1)Some trademark registrants, especially foreign trademark registrants, are more difficult to contact and have high contact costs;
2)Some trademark registrants do not pay attention to the requests made by the grassroots industrial and commercial authorities;
3)The trademark registration certificate provided by the trademark registrant, whether original or photocopying, still needs to verify his authenticity in order to prevent forgery or alteration;
4)A registered trademark is revoked or canceled, the original trademark registration certificate invalid, but the trademark office is difficult to recover, so the trademark registered trademark registration certificate provided, still needs verification is still valid.