1.First of all to determine the legal status of their own patent or whether it is valid, only a valid patent can be protected by law;
2.For patent rights to analyze the patent rights of the stability of the rights.Whether the investigation was prior to the date of the patent application, whether there was a prior presence of similar technology, through a patent and literature search to carry out basic investigation.The aim is to avoid the patent right has invested a lot of time and cost to safeguard their rights, but it was not found patent infringement with novelty will handle patent invalid, resulting in unnecessary investment.If after the investigation did not find the existence of the first technology, you can be more peace of mind into the work of the rights;
3.To determine the scope of protection of the relevant patents. Where is the patent in which country to apply for the country in force, the patent can be applied in a number of countries or regions.The scope of technology is mainly to clarify the scope of innovation of patent rights protection. Defining the scope of the region and the scope of the technology is an important prerequisite for safeguarding rights in a specific way;
4.Patent surveillance. To apply in their own patent patent and scientific literature to date regularly tracking and retrieval, the concern is related products on the market, whether the subsequent technical supervision and their scope of patent protection and overlapping can be found for subsequent patent infringement or product technology;
5.Patent infringement analysis. The scope of the protection of their own patent claims and the alleged infringement of the follow-up patent or product technology program for comparative analysis to determine whether the infringement is established and its scope of infringement;
6.To obtain compensation for infringement of each other through legal proceedings or negotiations.