Request of recovery right
Request of recovery right, because some right reason or irresistible reason who loss the patent right, could request of recovery right to patent office within 2months since the obstacle remove, at latest within 2years since deadline.
I Service reminder
Client who receive the inform from patent office within 2months, at latest within 2years since deadline. pleas order this service ASAP, so we can prepare sufficiently, or will see as order invalid.
II Necessary information
(1)ID of applicant(ID or business license);
(2)All the original letter of the patent include inform of see as abandon patent right and patent right termination;
(3)Sign the power of attorney.
III Service process
(1)Patent consult;(2)Pay the order;(3)Request of recovery;(4)Schedule report;(5)Service complete。
IV Patent office process
(1)Submit apply;(2)Accept apply;(3)Investigate apply;(4)Approve the recovery;(5)Issue the document。
V Requisition cycle
(1)Client submit the apply document→write the document(in 1-5 working days);
(2)Patent office accept the apply→Investigate apply(in 1 month);
(3)Patent office approve the recovery→Issue the document(in 1 month).
Attention: Above is just for reference, please follow the rule of patent office as the criterion.
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