Trademark International Extension
Validity of international trademark is 10 years. Before expire date there is 6 months to submit the extension application. Meanwhile renewal period is for 6 months after expired the register date.
I Reminder of Service
It is effective to order the service in 12 months before expire date of register license of international trader or in the 6 months of renewal period. Otherwise, it is ineffective for the order.
II Required Material
1) Identity Certificate of the applicant (ID card or business license.)
2) Sign the Trademark Proxy
3) The copy of the license of international register
III Procedure of Service
1) Pay the order
2) Apply the extension
3) Report its schedule
4) Finish the service
Nowadays, In the rapid development of economic globalization , is your trademark still in only a corner? Keeping up with the world economic development trend is to begin with the international application of trademarks and protection of globalization. Do not hesitate! You deserve the International Trademarks!
Xiaoma provides you with a full range of international trademark and all related matters, that entirely cover registration of the international trademark, post-designated, change, extension , transfer and other business. Selected the pony you will get long-term and comprehensive international trademark registration of services.
(1) Which kind of form is in trademark extension?
A. It is MM11 form of foreign application.
(2) What is the role of trademark extension?
A. Trademark extension is the premise if register trademark can be protected after expired exclusive rights of the trademark, and to guarantee protection exclusive rights of register trademark uninterruptedly for a long run.
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